'Hello beautiful! Give us a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video! :) We are all rocking Rebdolls in this video. Click the links below for full outfit details/pictures! Visit Chantè for the \"Casual Styles\" Details BLOG: http://bit.ly/rebdollsspring Visit Sarah (me!) for the \"Day Date\" Details BLOG: http://goo.gl/KJy2Vx Visit Essie for the \"Night Out\" Details Blog: http://goo.gl/v5uHKN Visit Rebdolls for more fun fashion looks: http://rebdolls.com Find more from Chantè below... http://www.everythingcurvyandchic.com http://www.youtube.com/ECACTV https://www.facebook.com/EverythingCurvyandChic https://twitter.com/ecurvynchic http://instagram.com/everythingcurvyandchic Find more from Essie below... http://www.essiegolden.com https://www.facebook.com/EssieGoldenPlusModel https://twitter.com/goldenlady_25 https://instagram.com/goldenlady25/ Thanks for your constant support and positivity. You\'re awesome. Check out my body confidence playlist for my videos about learning to love your body - http://goo.gl/c7eHma Subscribe to my channel: http://goo.gl/MXbtPj Thanks for watching ♥ WRITE TO ME! Sarah Rae Vargas 2758 US Highway 34 STE B 147 Oswego, IL 60543 General: AskSarahVargas@gmail.com Business: RavingsByRae@gmail.com *********************************** B L O G - http://ravingsbyrae.com T U M B L R - http://ravingsbyrae.tumblr.com T W I T T E R - https://twitter.com/RavingsByRae I N S T A G R A M - http://instagram.com/sarahhhrae P I N T E R E S T - http://pinterest.com/sarahhhrae/ G O O D R E A D S - http://goodreads.com/ravingsbyrae F A C E B O O K - http://www.facebook.com/RavingsByRae G O O G L E+ - https://plus.google.com/+RavingsByRae/posts E M A I L - ravingsbyrae@gmail.com *********************************** Major thank you to Rebdolls for collaborating with us on this lookbook!'
Tags: spring , Plus size , skirts , plus size fashion , spring fashion , Crop top , ravingsbyrae , sarah rae vargas , ravings by rae , Rebdolls , rebdolls spring
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